How to...
This section is frequently asked questions and answers to them. If you cannot find the topic you need, ask you question using the online support form.
Launching the program
- Launch the program?
- Launch the program from BATCH-file?
- Launch the program from another application?
- Use Image Converter Command Line on Web-server?
- Launch the program from PERL script under Windows server?
- Launch the program from Cold Fusion?
- Launch the program from ASP?
- Hide concole window when I launch the program from my application?
Activating questions
Working with files and folders
- Convert files from local network?
- Convert files from folder with all subfolders?
- Specify name of output file?
- Delete source images after conversion?
- Overwrite files?
- Convert CALS Raster files to TIFF?
- Convert DICOM image file into TIFF?
- Convert PCX file into TIFF?
- Convert SFF files into TIFF?
- Convert TIFF file with Wang OldJPEG compression into standard TIFF?
- Convert WinFax files into TIFF?
- Convert WPG clipart into TIFF?
- Convert color image into grayscale TIFF?
- Convert Group3 and Group4 Fax files into TIFF format?
Changing image size and resolution
Working with border and margins
Working with colors and transparency
- Change one color to another?
- Invert colors?
- Convert file with CMYK color space?
- Make colors transparent?