How to launch the program from another application?
Launching from Visual C++ application:
ShellExecute(NULL, "open", "C:\\Program Files\\ImageConverter
Plus\\ICPCL.exe ", "-convertto tiff -source "C:\\My Documents\\*.*"
-dest "C:\\TIFF Files\" -save_opt convert_subfolders:yes restore_subfolders:yes
-oper Resize size:200 100 keep_prop:no", NULL, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED)
Launching from Visual Basic application:
Shell ("""C:\Program Files\ImageConverter
Plus\ICPCL.exe"" -convertto tiff -source ""C:\\My
Documents\\*.*"" -dest ""C:\\TIFF Files\""
-save_opt convert_subfolders:yes restore_subfolders:yes log:yes
-oper Resize size:200 100 keep_prop:no")
If you launch the program from your application and Visual Basic doesn't
wait till the program finishes the conversion and tries to access converted
file before it is ready, you need to use Windows API method WaitForSingleObject().
If you want to use the program as a part of your application you must purchase Developer license. Read more...